Santa Stop Here sign
Having a community holiday festival or holiday gathering in your area? This new item, Santa Stop Sign can stick in front window of homes so Santa knows to stop. Includes the stock graphic on the front “Santa Stop Here” laminated with a high gloss finish. Side 2 has a wish list for kids to write in their Santa wishes. Below the list is an area for a logo, small ad or information. If you market to families or have a family related business, this might be just the holiday marketing piece for you. Minimum is 250 at 1.08 ea, 500 at 68 cents, 1000 at 46 cents and 2500 at 41 cents ea, 5000 at 34 cents ea. Set up is 35.00. Signs will come w/double stick tape, not the suction cup for safety reasons. Item WS-8HOL. Order now so kids have time to get their list ready for Santa. Ask us to email you side 2 template.

Santa Stop Here Sign with place on back for children to write Santa wish list and place for an ad or logo Item number ws-8hol