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Posts Tagged ‘branded pizza cutter’

Pizza Cutter

Easy to hold and will slice up pizzas, brownies or play dough very efficiently. Blade is make from Dupon Delrin Acetal, FDA approved and safer than a metal blade. Snaps apart for easy cleaning. Large imprint area. Avail in solid: black, cilantro green, paprika ornage, red, reflex blue, white or translucent blue, green or red. Imprint are a 3-3/16″ w x 2″ h, min 100 at 2.44 ea, 250 at 2.26 ea, 500 at 2.09 ea. Set up $60 per imprint color. Item B1036.

Pizza Cutter Item # B1036

Order today! 877-351-2627

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